M and I went to Dublin (the San Fran East Bay one, not the infinitely more interesting Ireland one), and ate with our friend Z at an Indian restaurant playing music as varied as traditional Indian music and Aqua (as in, "Barbie Girl").
I listened to and watched the DNC in Denver, CO, which was the first political convention I've watched, and the day after, witnessed on TV the naming of the first female vice presidential candidate for the presidency.

My first CGU visitor came and visited me!!! S and her husband C were wonderful house guests, and they totally inspired me to be more proactive in my own life, as well as to listen to more jazz! Oh, not to mention, study for my GRE again!
I took my first class at our new gym, and it totally kicked my butt! I walked around in pain for two days after, but I'm definitely going back.
And I bought really cute blue suede Mary Janes! The perfect topping to a pretty good week.
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