While writing my Princess Bride review, I looked out the window and the most gorgeous rainbow I've ever seen was forming. M and I went outside to take a look, and it just kept getting bigger and brighter. It actually looked like a bow, a semi-circle, and you could see all the different colors! Even the green and the violet, which you usually can't see in a rainbow!!! It was so gorgeous that we had to take pictures!! Then, to our amazement, a second little rainbow was forming right next to it. It was truly nature at its prettiest. The ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, gree, blue, indigo, violet) mnemonic device is ingrained in my head, and I always say it to myself each time I see a rainbow.
The image to the left was taken by M, and as pretty as it is, it doesn't quite do justice to how huge this thing was, and how perfectly it rounded in the sky.
Now, outside, it is pitch black. Every now and then, an airplane twinkles through the pitch, but for the most part, it is calm and dark. Only twenty minutes ago that beautiful rainbow was outside out window! Oh, and it brought out our neighbors, whom we'd never met!
No matter how tall a skyscraper, or how fast a car, there is always something infinitely more breathtaking in the natural wonders that come out of nowhere, than in man's passing trinkets.
And now, let us all join in, as Brother Iz would have us do, in his rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Beautiful World"!!!
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