I feel particularly jolly today. Perhaps it is because my morning started out by waking up next to my best friend (awe!); or perhaps it is because I have decided that I need to be positive and optimistic about life in general. Whatever the cause, today I was struck at nearly every turn by things that made me happy, and I'd like to share them.
1. I walked out of my apartment today, turned the corner, and arrived at the
Copy Factory from which I sent a fax out. I love living close by to necessary things, and I love that I have small private business options, instead of having to go to conglomerates like FedEx Kinkos which basically suck you dry. Case in point: for the same project that FedEx Kinkos would have charged me around 200 bucks, the Copy Center charged me $16!!!

2. My blue suede shoes. They are adorable, and comfortable, and blue! I wore them to my interview at FSI today, and I think they definitely helped me feel confident, vibrant, and prepared to handle anything. Don't think a pair of blue suede shoes can accomplish this? You clearly have never stepped into a pair of blue suede Mary Janes with a flower on the side!
3. Sugarland. I L-O-V-E Sugarland. No, this does not refer to a candy store, but rather to my new favorite band! I have been listening to their music for about a year now without knowing who they are.

First, I heard "Stay," a lovely acoustic ballad about loving a married man who inevitably never does leave his wife, and the hard realization that it's better to move on than to be a door mat. I used to bump this LOUD on my drives home from Honnold at 2 in the morning. Then, I heard "Settlin'," the should-be-theme-song for anyone who's ever woken up one day and thought, "What am I doing with my life, wasting it away in this dead-end relationship?" The song captures that moment of clarity when you realize that it's better to be alone that be waiting on Mr. Wrong to mystifyingly turn into Mr. Right. Then, I heard "Everyday America," a song that misleadingly gets you to bop your head and stomp your foot before you realize that you're singing along to a song pointing out that everyday Americans are often barely getting by, but that somehow they push on and make the best of life. Then, I heard "Baby Girl," the sweetest song ever! Basically it's about a young girl struggling to make it as a singer, asking her parents to send her some money so she can get by; luck is hers, and she becomes a big star, and it's her turn now to send money to her parents, to whom she writes,
"Dear Mom and Dad,
I'll send money. I'm so rich that It ain't funny.
Well it oughtta be more then enough to get you through.
Please don't worry cause I'm alright,
I'm stayin here at the Ritz tonight,
Whatta ya know we made our dreams come true!
And there are fancy cars and diamond rings,
But you know that they don't mean a thing,
Well they all add up to nothin compared to you,
Well, remember me in ribbons and curls...
I still love you more than anything in the world
Your Baby Girl"
Then, I heard... well the list goes on and on. But the point is, I had been singing along to these great songs without ever really knowing anything about the band playing them. Then, M and I watched them on TV, and it was love!
This is their website, where it clearly says that they will NOT be playing any time soon in California! Tragedy! Anyhoo, the duo is composed of Jennifer Nettles, who is all teeth and perkiness and smiles, a prettier version of Janis Joplin (and with a cleaner voice) who seems to cute to be country!, and Kristian Bush, who plays a mad guitar and likes fedoras!
4. My DNC shirt. Today I wore the pink "Democratic - Denver Democratic National Convention 2008" shirt that I got in the Denver airport on the way back from Nebraska, and it sparked a nice conversation with the nice man from the Copy Factory! It feels a little like cheating wearing it, because I wasn't at the convention, but I was
technically in Denver during the DNC! Anyhoo, the shirt makes me happy for the same reason that people wear Senior Class shirts, or team jerseys - it makes me feel happy to be part of a group, part of an identity with a common interest and a common goal. Plus, it's pink, and pink always makes the day brighter!
5. My upcoming drive to LA. I haven't been to LA in a while, and I really hope to see some of my friends this weekend, while my lovah is at the debauchery that is a bachelor party :)
5a. In addition to seeing some fabulous people while I'm in LA, I'm looking forward to the drive itself, as it will offer the excellent chance to continue listening to Anne Rice's "Blackwood Farm" on CD. It's been too long since we spent any time with Taaaarquuuiiin Blaaackwoood, and I have to know what happens! The book-on-CD is 18 CDs long!!! We are barely on CD 9, I think, so we have a long way to go, but the story is getting good!
6. Costco. How great is Costco? I bought a 36-pack of Diet Pepsi today for the same price as 2 6-packs at Safeway. The only drawback is I can never really make up my mind what else to buy besides soda, bread, and non-perishables, because I fear that the mass quantities will inevitably go bad before we have the chance to eat them! I mean, really, who needs that much cheese?!?!

7. "Scrubs." M and I were pulling "Scrubs" marathons for the past couple of weeks, but we have reached an impasse and need to wait for the next CDs to come. This show is briliant in so many ways. Not only is my second ex-husband, Zach Braff, at his best in this show (or is his best in "Garden State"? Hmm.. It sure as heck wasn't in "Last Kiss," the evil movie from hell! But I digress...), but the writing is fantastic! I didn't think it was possible for a comedy to successfully and sensitively tackle death, or for a show about doctors to make you relate to nearly every character, but somehow, "Scrubs" does. We have temporarily replaced "Scrubs" with "The Office" and it just isn't the same. Sure, "The Office" is funny, but it's no "Scrubs"!
8. Colder weather. I love wearing sweaters, coats, scarves, floppy hats, socks, and my boots with the fur! Fall is beginning to peek through, with a cold breeze every now and then reminding us that the seasons are a-turning, and my new down jacket from Costco is already getting some wear! I feel cozy and comfy in chilly weather, and I only wish it could get only a tiny bit colder, instead of the inevitable COLD that I know I will have to face living in NorCal. I'm trying to hold on to memories of Honnold at 2 am (hmm I see a theme now!) in December, and think, "I can do this, I can do this!" Let me tell you, it is COLD in Claremont in December at 2 am, and after 10 hours of Martha Gellhorn paper-writing, I would emerge from Honnold in scarf, beanie, gloves, and coat, and would drive home to Upland trying not to touch the steering wheel with my bare hands because it was so cold, but also unable to drive wearing gloves because they would slip on the wheel when I turned corners. Oh, joys of grad school!
9. Webcams! I can see my parents every day with the magic that is the webcam! Makes the world much smaller, and lets me show my parents my pretty blue shoes!
10. My boyfriend. Sorry, ladies, but he's taken, and he's the best, so eat your hearts out!

This is from way back when! Winter of 2005, in Big Bear.