Today is a pissy day. I come in to work this morning bright-eyed and bushy tailed, to find my giant, shiny iMac dead. Dead? DEAD! This piece of #### is only a year old, I don't go to shady websites or play videgames on it or download anything more risque than images of wedding centerpieces, so what the heck, yo? After much investigative reporting, it was decided that the hard drive has bit the dust. Thank goodness we do a nightly back up (umm which doesn't explain why there is no back up for FRIDAY but fine, in the scheme of things, one day's loss is not the end of the world). I can't even imagine this being my personal computer and losing the hard drive. I think I would literally cry for days. Which really makes me want to run to Costco right now and buy their ridiculously cheap terabyte external hard drives.
What makes me really mad is not just that my computer died, or that it's a nearly brand new machine, or that it costs almost $2000. What makes me mad is that a company like Apple, which prides itself so much on this image of the goody two-shoes, "I'm so much shinier/smarter/better/cooler/hipper/awesomer than thou," is starting to put out piece of $#@& products. My iPhone is basically hanging on for dear life even though it's not even 2 years old, and I barely even use it for anything fancier than texting and a couple of apps. When the iPhone 4 came out, and people couldn't get service when they, excuse me, say what, held the phone in their hand, I thought that was pretty ridiculous. I remember reading something somewhere last week, in which Apple said they are "going back to the Mac." Well, they better! I mean, they've put out some amazing, incredible products the last few years, but can we now get back to making some decent desktops for people who actually use computers for working?
Also, what is UP with iMacs not having any usb ports? I have to plug in my flash drive into my keyboard -- which sounds snazzy, but Mac keyboards are barely thicker than a postcard, so any average flashdrive inserted into it makes the keyboard push up, which makes it wobbly any time you type on it. The MacBook I'm currently typing on has two USB ports, both on the left side, so I can't hook up my old school mouse because I am right handed, and the Mac mouse is shockingly attached to a cord that is all but 18 inches long, meaning I can't plug it in to the USB port on the left AND have the cord reach all the way around to the right. This is all probably meant to make me get a Magic Mouse, but I know better -- because my boss has one, and its battery dies ALL THE TIME. Okay, yes, I am being way harsh on a company that is usually near the top of my "Love" list, but seriously, when you spend SO much time on design, can we please spend a tiny bit of effort on actual, every day usage capabilities?
Okay, end rant.
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